Климатика е TOSHIBA RAS-13SKV-E вътрешно, и RAS-13SAV външно.На топло светва operation и pre.def след 2-3 мин.компресора завърта, външния вентилатор се опитва да завърти като перката се заклаща наляво надясно завърта и климатика спира.Ток 1А на целия климатик. Интересуват ме кодоветв за грешки и къде се исписват, тъй като не успях да отворя външно тяло, поради ограничен достъп.В системата има фреон. |
Всичко записи: 39 : Дата на рег-ция: Дек. 2011 : Отправено: 22 Март, 2013 - 09:44:41 |
04 - Return serial signal is not sent to indoor side from operation started. _ _ 1) Defective wiring of connecting cable _ _ 2) Operation of compressor thermo Gas shortage Gas leak 07 - Return serial signal has been sent when operation started, but it is not sent from halfway. _ _ 1) Compressor thermo. operation Gas shortage Gas leak _ _ 2) Instantaneous power failure 08 - 4-way valve inverse error(TC sensor value lowered during heating operation.) 0C - Short-circuit or disconnection of the room temperature sensor(TA sensor). 0d - Being out of place, disconnection, shortcircuit, or migration of heat exchanger sensor(TC sensor) 11 - Lock of indoor fan or trouble on the indoor fan circuit 12 - Trouble on other indoor P.C. boards 14 - Inverter over-current protective circuit operates. (Short time) 16 - Position-detect circuit error or short-circuit between windings of compressor 17 - Current-detect circuit error 18 - Being out of place, disconnection or shortcircuit of the outdoor heat exchanger sensor (TE) or suction temp. sensor (Ts) 19 - Disconnection or shortcircuit of discharge temp. sensor 1A - Outdoor fan drive system error 1b - Outdoor heat exchanger temp. sensor error 1C - Compressor drive output error, Compressor error(lock, missing, etc.), Break down 1d - Compressor does not rotate.(Current protective circuit does not operate when a specified time passed after compressor had been activated.) 1E - Discharge temp. exceeded 117°C 1F - Break down of compressor |
Всичко записи: 12528 : Дата на рег-ция: Дек. 2005 : Отправено: 22 Март, 2013 - 10:25:58 |